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Album: Visa for a Determined Object/
Visa de objeto determinado

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Alberto Puerto Music is at work on a new recording album that will bring popular Latin American songs to the classical and jazz space.   Arrangements and collaborations with other Miami-based artists are currently underway.  This project has been fiscally sponsored by the National Performance Network, and is presently supported by the Miami Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Individual Artist Awards.

More music

NEW: Convergencia with Eduardo Moreno

Convergencia cover Alberto Puerto featuring Eduardo Moreno.jpg

Sample the release of our latest single across all platforms:

close up of hands holding classical guitar of musician Alberto Puerto

Album: The Great Cuban Suite

Cover of the album The Great Cuban Suite by guitarist and composer Alberto Puerto

Many thanks to our present and past sponsors

Logo for Miami Dade County, Divison of Cultural Affairs, one of the sponsors for the composer.
Logo for Bill Glez guitars, an excellent classical luthier based in Miami, FL
Logo for the State of Florida Cultural Affairs, sponsor of a past theatre project.
Logo for the Spanish Cultural Center in Miami, past sponsor of a concert at Miami Dade County Auditorium
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